Focus on what you’re good at and leave the marketing to us!

Are you sick and tired of perfecting your products and services only to find yourself behind the pack as no one seems to recognize your brand’s existence? Well, that would surely be the case no more. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, freelancer, or gym instructor, it’s time to reach more customers, generate more leads, and multiply your sales by giving your brand a sales funnel of its own!

Focus on what you’re good at and leave the marketing to us!

Are you sick and tired of perfecting your products and services only to find yourself behind the pack as no one seems to recognize your brand’s existence? Well, that would surely be the case no more. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, freelancer, or gym instructor, it’s time to reach more customers, generate more leads, and multiply your sales by giving your brand a sales funnel of its own!
START TODAY AGENCY will help boost your brand to its rightful place on top. We will help you appeal to, connect, and communicate more strategically with your target market, so your business achieves the recognition it deserves.

 Schedule your FREE CONSULTATION now and see how we could take your brand from one level to the next!

Focus on what you’re good at and leave the marketing to us!

Are you sick and tired of perfecting your products and services only to find yourself behind the pack as no one seems to recognize your brand’s existence? Well, that would surely be the case no more. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, freelancer, or gym instructor, it’s time to reach more customers, generate more leads, and multiply your sales by giving your brand a sales funnel of its own!
START TODAY AGENCY will help boost your brand to its rightful place on top. We will help you appeal to, connect, and communicate more strategically with your target market, so your business achieves the recognition it deserves.

 Schedule your FREE CONSULTATION now and see how we could take your brand from one level to the next!

Benefits of E-mail Marketing 

(Fast and Flexible Way to Reach Your Customers)

Now that you’ve already incited interest among your site’s visitors, what’s next? 
Well, it’s now time to witness your prospects go through three distinct phases:
cold, warm, and hot. 
Fortunately, e-mail marketing is an excellent strategy to ensure they’ll see the process through to completion!

Benefits of
E-mail Marketing 

(Fast and Flexible Way to Reach Your Customers)

Now that you’ve already incited interest among your site’s visitors, what’s next? 
Well, it’s now time to witness your prospects go through three distinct phases:
cold, warm, and hot. 
Fortunately, e-mail marketing is an excellent strategy to ensure they’ll see the process through to completion!

Types of Leads

Earlier, we have discussed the three types of prospects: cold, hot, and warm. But what does each of these mean?

Types of Leads

Earlier, we have discussed the three types of prospects: cold, hot, and warm. But what does each of these mean?


Website vs. Sales Funnel:
3 Key Differences

Do you know what makes a website different from a sales funnel or how fascinating your results would be should you decide to invest in the latter instead of the former? Well, the list could extend indefinitely, but among the most notable ones are outlined below:


Website vs. Sales Funnel:
3 Key Differences

Do you know what makes a website different from a sales funnel or how fascinating your results would be should you decide to invest in the latter instead of the former? Well, the list could extend indefinitely, but among the most notable ones are outlined below:

10 Must-Know Reasons Why You Need a Marketing Funnel

It introduces your brand to strangers.

Have you ever thought about how you would encapsulate the unique selling point of your business to a person who has completely no idea of what value your brand has to offer? Well, that is exactly what a sales funnel could do. 

 It provides an all-in-one platform where you could lay out the rationale behind your products and services, along with the specific goals your consumers could expect should they invest in you moving forward. Providing your customers with the necessary information would be pivotal to their purchasing decisions as no one would dare spend their money on a brand they are unsure about.

It has a more targeted approach.

The logic behind the marketing funnel is anchored in sound marketing principles. From inciting awareness to influencing succeeding actions, the sales funnel serves as a map that consumers could go through as they journey toward becoming paying customers.

 In this way, you can track the progress of your prospects to optimize sales by sending the right message at the right time.

It is more straightforward.

The marketing funnel eliminates any other immaterial information, so consumers easily find what they want. In the busy world we live in today, studies have shown that the average attention span has declined by at least 25%. Therefore, the last thing you can do to factor in such a trend is to keep your sales process short and sweet. Otherwise, leakage of potential leads would be inevitable. 

 By using a marketing funnel, only key elements, such as the upsell page, the order page, and the thank you page, will be included to ensure that every part contributes towards lead generation and eventual conversion.

It yields high revenues.

Ordinary websites fail to maximize potential sales as they don’t guide consumers throughout the process. Unfortunately, visitors do not have the luxury of going through every page of your site just to face a dead end by taking a wrong turn somewhere along the way. 

 Hence, the processes in the funnel are highly comparable to those in a physical store. Consequently, by using a marketing funnel, many businesses have reported massive growth in revenue in just a matter of months, reaching up to a hundredfold increase.

It is more user-friendly

The sales funnel is specially designed with the welfare of the visitors in mind. This means the page would be exactly how your consumers would expect it to be. This may include an intuitive interface, a hassle-free flow, and strategic use of language that best cater to the context-specific needs of your target market. 

 Being user-friendly also means the funnel could work and load efficiently across multiple devices, be it desktop, smartphone, or whatnot. Such a setup is particularly important nowadays as more than 90% of the global internet population uses a mobile phone to access online sites.

It heightens the perceived value of your business.

A sales funnel gives your brand a sense of professionalism, which is crucial in establishing credibility within your niche. Whether you’re a dentist, a fitness coach, or a business consultant, you should take advantage of the fact that 84% of consumers would see your products and services as more reliable than similar brands if you have a reputable online presence.

 In addition, the funnel would be an outstanding platform for you to feature pertinent qualifications or certifications that highlight the value of your business. This would cultivate trust among your audience as they feel safe and secure working with you.

It widens your brand’s online presence.

A sales funnel gives your brand a sense of professionalism, which is crucial in establishing credibility within your niche. Whether you’re a dentist, a fitness coach, or a business consultant, you should take advantage of the fact that 84% of consumers would see your products and services as more reliable than similar brands if you have a reputable online presence. In addition, the funnel would be an outstanding platform for you to feature pertinent qualifications or certifications that highlight the value of your business. This would cultivate trust among your audience as they feel safe and secure working with you.

It makes you stand out from your competitors.

Let’s face it: not all businesses know how to navigate the digital market effectively. Some don't even know how to penetrate the online market at all! That’s the reason why having a sales funnel could spell the difference between having that much awaited breakthrough or not.

 A marketing funnel would take you miles ahead of your competitors by tailoring your marketing efforts to specific buyer groups, which would have otherwise been challenging to accomplish on a physical setup.

It helps you focus on improvement instead.

While digital marketing has been thrown around rather frequently in the past few years, it’s an open secret that such a business strategy isn’t necessarily the easiest tactic to implement. However, does that mean you should not make the most out of the benefits it could offer? Well, not at all!

 A marketing funnel gives you a simple avenue to reach digital consumers without worrying about understanding complicated coding algorithms. Simply put, you can just focus on improving your products or services and leave the marketing game to a platform that knows it best.

It produces loyal customers.

Of course, the sales process doesn’t end when you’ve finally transformed a prospect into a paying consumer. That’s where the start of a lasting relationship should emanate. The funnel would help you constantly communicate with your customers, thus keeping them engaged with any recent developments. 

This can be done by collecting their contact information, such as email addresses or mobile numbers, so you could send advertising copies or newsletters, thereby fostering the connection they had when they first interacted with your business.

10 Must-Know Reasons Why You Need a Marketing Funnel

It introduces your brand to strangers.

Have you ever thought about how you would encapsulate the unique selling point of your business to a person who has completely no idea of what value your brand has to offer? Well, that is exactly what a sales funnel could do. 

 It provides an all-in-one platform where you could lay out the rationale behind your products and services, along with the specific goals your consumers could expect should they invest in you moving forward. Providing your customers with the necessary information would be pivotal to their purchasing decisions as no one would dare spend their money on a brand they are unsure about.

It has a more targeted approach.

The logic behind the marketing funnel is anchored in sound marketing principles. From inciting awareness to influencing succeeding actions, the sales funnel serves as a map that consumers could go through as they journey toward becoming paying customers.

 In this way, you can track the progress of your prospects to optimize sales by sending the right message at the right time.

It is more straightforward.

The marketing funnel eliminates any other immaterial information, so consumers easily find what they want. In the busy world we live in today, studies have shown that the average attention span has declined by at least 25%. Therefore, the last thing you can do to factor in such a trend is to keep your sales process short and sweet. Otherwise, leakage of potential leads would be inevitable. 

 By using a marketing funnel, only key elements, such as the upsell page, the order page, and the thank you page, will be included to ensure that every part contributes towards lead generation and eventual conversion.

It yields high revenues.

Ordinary websites fail to maximize potential sales as they don’t guide consumers throughout the process. Unfortunately, visitors do not have the luxury of going through every page of your site just to face a dead end by taking a wrong turn somewhere along the way. 

 Hence, the processes in the funnel are highly comparable to those in a physical store. Consequently, by using a marketing funnel, many businesses have reported massive growth in revenue in just a matter of months, reaching up to a hundredfold increase.

It is more user-friendly

The sales funnel is specially designed with the welfare of the visitors in mind. This means the page would be exactly how your consumers would expect it to be. This may include an intuitive interface, a hassle-free flow, and strategic use of language that best cater to the context-specific needs of your target market. 

 Being user-friendly also means the funnel could work and load efficiently across multiple devices, be it desktop, smartphone, or whatnot. Such a setup is particularly important nowadays as more than 90% of the global internet population uses a mobile phone to access online sites.

It heightens the perceived value of your business.

A sales funnel gives your brand a sense of professionalism, which is crucial in establishing credibility within your niche. Whether you’re a dentist, a fitness coach, or a business consultant, you should take advantage of the fact that 84% of consumers would see your products and services as more reliable than similar brands if you have a reputable online presence.

 In addition, the funnel would be an outstanding platform for you to feature pertinent qualifications or certifications that highlight the value of your business. This would cultivate trust among your audience as they feel safe and secure working with you.

It widens your brand’s online presence.

A sales funnel gives your brand a sense of professionalism, which is crucial in establishing credibility within your niche. Whether you’re a dentist, a fitness coach, or a business consultant, you should take advantage of the fact that 84% of consumers would see your products and services as more reliable than similar brands if you have a reputable online presence. In addition, the funnel would be an outstanding platform for you to feature pertinent qualifications or certifications that highlight the value of your business. This would cultivate trust among your audience as they feel safe and secure working with you.

It makes you stand out from your competitors.

Let’s face it: not all businesses know how to navigate the digital market effectively. Some don't even know how to penetrate the online market at all! That’s the reason why having a sales funnel could spell the difference between having that much awaited breakthrough or not.

 A marketing funnel would take you miles ahead of your competitors by tailoring your marketing efforts to specific buyer groups, which would have otherwise been challenging to accomplish on a physical setup.

It helps you focus on improvement instead.

While digital marketing has been thrown around rather frequently in the past few years, it’s an open secret that such a business strategy isn’t necessarily the easiest tactic to implement. However, does that mean you should not make the most out of the benefits it could offer? Well, not at all!

 A marketing funnel gives you a simple avenue to reach digital consumers without worrying about understanding complicated coding algorithms. Simply put, you can just focus on improving your products or services and leave the marketing game to a platform that knows it best.

It produces loyal customers.

Of course, the sales process doesn’t end when you’ve finally transformed a prospect into a paying consumer. That’s where the start of a lasting relationship should emanate. The funnel would help you constantly communicate with your customers, thus keeping them engaged with any recent developments. 

This can be done by collecting their contact information, such as email addresses or mobile numbers, so you could send advertising copies or newsletters, thereby fostering the connection they had when they first interacted with your business.

Who Needs a Sales Funnel?

Are you wondering whether store owners are the only ones who need a sales funnel? Well, that couldn’t get any farther from the truth! Anyone needs a marketing funnel. Here’s a preview of who could benefit most from it:

If even ONE of the above fits you, we need to talk!

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Who Needs a Sales Funnel?

Are you wondering whether store owners are the only ones who need a sales funnel? Well, that couldn’t get any farther from the truth! Anyone needs a marketing funnel. Here’s a preview of who could benefit most from it:

If even ONE of the above fits you, we need to talk!

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Having learned the benefits of investing in a sales funnel, are you now curious about what the model would looklike when customized for your niche? Well, browse through our extensive collection of sample pages to get a glimpse of what’s in store for you and your brand!


Having learned the benefits of investing in a sales funnel, are you now curious about what the model would looklike when customized for your niche? Well, browse through our extensive collection of sample pages to get a glimpse of what’s in store for you and your brand!

Reviews and Results

Phew! Discussing the massive benefits of sales funnels was indeed a mouthful. Therefore, we’ll stop explaining now and let our previous clients do the talking. Find out what our partners have to say to discover what wonders await your business!

- Name

“We can’t thank them enough. They have definitely helped me with my marketing. They bring results, they bring the clients.”

- Name

“We can’t thank them enough. They have definitely helped me with my marketing. They bring results, they bring the clients.”

- Name

“We can’t thank them enough. They have definitely helped me with my marketing. They bring results, they bring the clients.”

- Name

“We can’t thank them enough. They have definitely helped me with my marketing. They bring results, they bring the clients.”

Reviews and Results

Phew! Discussing the massive benefits of sales funnels was indeed a mouthful. Therefore, we’ll stop explaining now and let our previous clients do the talking. Find out what our partners have to say to discover what wonders await your business!

- Name

“We can’t thank them enough. They have definitely helped me with my marketing. They bring results, they bring the clients.”

- Name

“We can’t thank them enough. They have definitely helped me with my marketing. They bring results, they bring the clients.”

- Name

“We can’t thank them enough. They have definitely helped me with my marketing. They bring results, they bring the clients.”

- Name

“We can’t thank them enough. They have definitely helped me with my marketing. They bring results, they bring the clients.”





How to Apply

Applying is as easy as 1, 2, and 3! Here’s how:

Step 1: Reach out.

Of course, the sales process doesn’t end when you’ve finally transformed a prospect into a paying consumer. That’s where the start of a lasting relationship should emanate. The funnel would help you constantly communicate with your customers, thus keeping them engaged with any recent developments. 

This can be done by collecting their contact information, such as email addresses or mobile numbers, so you could send advertising copies or newsletters, thereby fostering the connection they had when they first interacted with your business.

Step 2: Fill in the form.

We will then ask you to complete a short form, which allows us to know more about you and what we can do for your business. 

 We do this to understand your needs and what steps we should take moving forward.

Step 3: Attend the consultation.

Lastly, we’ll be excited to finally talk with you during the scheduled appointment.

 During the 15 to 30-minute call, we will discuss the project in detail. It will also be a great opportunity for us to know more about each other and come up with initial plans.

 Schedule a free consultation now. We’d love to hear from you!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Put a Frequently Asked Question Here
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Tenetur velit quia temporibus et esse, recusandae error illo quam praesentium eius tempora consequatur magnam quibusdam ducimus nemo, ab optio cumque quod. Labore ipsam quisquam dolorem.
Put a Frequently Asked Question Here
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Tenetur velit quia temporibus et esse, recusandae error illo quam praesentium eius tempora consequatur magnam quibusdam ducimus nemo, ab optio cumque quod. Labore ipsam quisquam dolorem.
Put a Frequently Asked Question Here
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Tenetur velit quia temporibus et esse, recusandae error illo quam praesentium eius tempora consequatur magnam quibusdam ducimus nemo, ab optio cumque quod. Labore ipsam quisquam dolorem.

How to Apply

Applying is as easy as 1, 2, and 3! Here’s how:

Step 1: Reach out.

Of course, the sales process doesn’t end when you’ve finally transformed a prospect into a paying consumer. That’s where the start of a lasting relationship should emanate. The funnel would help you constantly communicate with your customers, thus keeping them engaged with any recent developments. 

This can be done by collecting their contact information, such as email addresses or mobile numbers, so you could send advertising copies or newsletters, thereby fostering the connection they had when they first interacted with your business.

Step 2: Fill in the form.

We will then ask you to complete a short form, which allows us to know more about you and what we can do for your business. 

 We do this to understand your needs and what steps we should take moving forward.

Step 3: Attend the consultation.

Lastly, we’ll be excited to finally talk with you during the scheduled appointment.

 During the 15 to 30-minute call, we will discuss the project in detail. It will also be a great opportunity for us to know more about each other and come up with initial plans.

 Schedule a free consultation now. We’d love to hear from you!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Put a Frequently Asked Question Here
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Tenetur velit quia temporibus et esse, recusandae error illo quam praesentium eius tempora consequatur magnam quibusdam ducimus nemo, ab optio cumque quod. Labore ipsam quisquam dolorem.
Put a Frequently Asked Question Here
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Tenetur velit quia temporibus et esse, recusandae error illo quam praesentium eius tempora consequatur magnam quibusdam ducimus nemo, ab optio cumque quod. Labore ipsam quisquam dolorem.
Put a Frequently Asked Question Here
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Tenetur velit quia temporibus et esse, recusandae error illo quam praesentium eius tempora consequatur magnam quibusdam ducimus nemo, ab optio cumque quod. Labore ipsam quisquam dolorem.
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